£120.00 – £360.00
Buy Librium 10 mg affects brain chemicals to ease anxiety symptoms, and it is used primarily for the treatment of anxiety disorders. The generic name of Librium is chlordiazepoxide, which is a benzodiazepine.
It is essential to understand the potential effects and abuse of the drug. When someone takes Librium, effects can include drowsiness, confusion, or memory problems. Side effects of Librium can also include dizziness, blurred vision, nausea, constipation, or headache.
Balance problems can put you at greater risk of being in an accident or falling, and this is particularly true for older people who take Librium or other benzodiazepines.
Severe side effects of Librium requiring medical attention include:
If you combine Librium with other substances such as opioids or alcohol, the effects are more profound. You may also be at greater risk of respiratory failure if you combine Librium with other substances, such as opioids. Librium abuse occurs whenever someone uses this prescription drug outside of how it is intended or prescribed to be used.
Examples of Librium abuse can include:
Librium abuse is different from addiction, although abusing benzodiazepines puts you at greater risk for developing an addiction.
When someone is addicted to Librium, they may be unable to cut down or stop using the drug, even if they want to. Addiction is a disease that has physical and psychological effects and typically requires professional treatment.
If someone has a history of substance addiction or dependence, they should inform their health care provider of this before taking this medication. Anyone with a history of substance misuse could be at a higher risk of becoming addicted to Librium.
There’s also dependence to consider. You can be dependent on Librium without meeting the medical criteria for an addiction. When you are dependent on Librium, your body and brain have come to rely on it to function “normally.”
With dependence, if you try to stop taking the drug suddenly, you may have withdrawal symptoms. Symptoms of Librium withdrawal can include: