
  • Product: Methyltestosterone Sterling 25mg
  • Quantity: 60 Tablets
  • Manufacturer: Sterling Knight
  • Active Substance: Methyltestosterone
Category :


MethylTestosterone  is actually a synthetic and orally active Anabolic and Androgenic Steroid (AAS) that can be helpful for bodybuilders, powerlifters and competitive athletes for improving physique and enhancing performance purposes but it never got marketed for any medical uses.

This steroid is the 17 alpha methyl derivative of 1-testosterone which is therefore a derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

Despite the fact that it never got marketed for any medical uses and despite the fact that this steroid isn’t as popular as many other steroids out there, methyl-1-testosterone still can be found on the list of prohibited substances on the WADA (World Anti Doping Agency).

MethylTestosterone Side Effects

The side effect that I have already mentioned and one of the worst is the liver hepatotoxicity. But except for that, there are other side effects too that you should be aware of. For example, most people report getting lethargic. This is the side effect that makes people rarely go higher than 10 mg a day dosing range as they may become very fatigue throughout the day.

Other than that – side effects include: natural testosterone suppression, androgenic side effects such as male pattern hair loss, lack of sex drive and others. You also might get muscle cramps, increased sex drive, BHP, headaches, insomnia, decrease in appetite, irritability and others.

Hypertension is fairly often reported too. It can elevate blood pressure and some people reported they got nosebleeds while being on this steroid. High blood pressure isn’t a side effect that should be ignored.

The estrogenic side effects are not possible since Methyl-testosterone does not aromatize. However, you should be very careful about hepatotoxicity, hypertension and lethargy in most cases.

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